Saturday 3 October 2009

A Parody of Sonnet x

I was sorting through my old computer files today and found this version of John Donne's 'Death Be Not Proud' in an A-level English essay I wrote when I was 17 – as you might imagine, the rest of the essay was pretty cringeworthy, but this made me smile...

Fish be not proud, though some have called thee
Smelly and scaly, for, thou art not soe,
For, those whom thou think’st, thou dost overthrow,
Smell not, poore fish, nor yet canst I smell thee.
From troute and bass, which in stille waters bee,
To salmone, then which to the sea must flow,
And soonest our best men defy cod’s roe,
Breathe deeply and await deliverie.
Thou art slave to tide, winde, raine and fishermen,
Who do with maggots, flies and tackle dwell,
And lemons, herbes, and tartar sauce as well,
And batter thee with chips; why swell’st thou then?
One short held breath, wee breathe eternally,
And fish shall be no more; fish thou shalt fry.